616 Hobo Rd | MLS#21063414 | SOLD

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Steelville, Missouri
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3 Bedrooms
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1.5 Bathrooms
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1,200 SQ FT.
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1,200 SQ FT.

616 Hobo Rd | MLS#21063414  | SOLD

Location: Steelville, MO (Crawford County)

Land: 72+/- acres

Amenities: Newly updated house, open pasture, boarded by national forest ground, abundant wildlife

Price: Listed price of $494,000‍

Description: This is really a very pretty farm that has been owned by the same family for many years. The house has been just recently painted and new wood floors added as well as kitchen renovated. The house and hvac has been professionally cleaned very recently. There are about 72+/- acres of good pasture. The outside fences are in good shape, there are 5 smaller watering ponds and one nice size pond that has nice fish. The North side of the farm is bordered by National forest ground. There is abundant wildlife, good neighbors and lots of privacy. This is a neat place ready to be moved into and enjoyed. The house sits on a hill and the view to the NW is really awesome. With the house improvements and the thorough house cleaning and great price this will not stay on the market for long.

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