Dogwood Rd | MLS #20070930 | SOLD

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Sullivan, Missouri
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3 Bedrooms
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1.5 Bathrooms
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1300 SQ FT.
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1300 SQ FT.

Dogwood Estates | MLS# 22045090 | SOLD

Location: Not specified

Land: Expansive acreage (exact size not specified)

Amenities: 3-bedroom home, newer metal barn, pond, sunset views

Price: $600,000

Description: The enchanting Dogwood Estates beckons to those looking for serenity away from the city's humdrum. Spread across an expansive acreage, the property is a perfect blend of woods and open spaces. The 3-bedroom home stands majestically amidst tall trees, ensuring privacy and tranquility. Add to that the newer metal barn, pond, and stunning sunset views, and you have a property that is both an investment and a sanctuary.

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