Highway BB | MLS #21004425 | SOLD

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Steelville, Missouri
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3 Bedrooms
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2.5 Bathrooms
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3,088 SQ FT.
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3,088 SQ FT.

Highway BB | MLS #21004425 | SOLD

Location: Steelville, Missouri

Amenities: Fenced pasture with automatic water system

Price: $500,000

Description: As you traverse the white-fenced driveway, the serenity of Highway BB envelopes you. This long-standing family estate, with its panoramic countryside vistas, promises unparalleled tranquility. The fenced pasture, complete with an automatic water system, is ideal for small-scale farming. Located amidst sprawling estates and near recreational hotspots, this is the epitome of a dream country estate.

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