The Burt Ranch | MLS #21008763 | SOLD

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Jefferson County
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2 Bedrooms
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2 Bathrooms
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1200 SQ Ft.
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1200 SQ Ft.

The Burt Ranch | MLS #21008763 | SOLD

Location: SW of St. Louis, Missouri

Land: 73+/- acres

Amenities: 1935-built farmhouse with modern amenities, log potting shed

Price: $349,000

Description: A short drive SW of St. Louis, The Burt Ranch, a cherished family gem for decades, combines nostalgia with practicality. The 1935-built farmhouse stands tall, equipped with all modern amenities, flanked by a charming log potting shed. The mix of open pastures and a wet weather creek create a serene setting, perfect for rejuvenation. The meticulous care infused into the property is palpable, making it a delightful proposition for those yearning for a rustic retreat with the comforts of the present.

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