The Hutson Farm | MLS #20041697 | SOLD

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Steelville, Missouri
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4 Bedrooms
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2 Bathrooms
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1200 SQ FT.
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1200 SQ FT.

The Hutson Farm | MLS #20041697 | SOLD

Location: Close to Steelville, Missouri

Land: Compact acreage

Amenities: 4 BR 2 Full Bath home with panoramic deck, wooden barn, fields suitable for equestrian trails or food plots, multiple ponds, mature timber

Price: $339,000

Description: Radiating the aura of a vast ranch within its compact acreage, The Hutson Farm is a delightful blend of style, utility, and nature. The soon-to-be revamped 4 BR 2 Full Bath home boasts a panoramic deck, providing a ringside view of the rich flora and fauna. The capacious wooden barn stands as a testament to its legacy, while the fields can be transformed into equestrian trails or food plots. A stone's throw from Steelville, this property comes with multiple ponds and mature timber, making it a steal for anyone dreaming of a countryside life.

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