Welcome back to our second blog which is going to be a weekly occurrence and one that I hope is of interest to you and again we invite your participation in making these blogs a community billboard. As many of you have seen, Taylor and I have a weekly podcast which has been an instant hit with so many people and no they are not professional, but people love our interaction and our commitment to making BPINC the best farm and land sales company in the state of Missouri. We are continually stressing the fact that we are an independent company not associated with any large chain or franchise. We are the definition of a small boutique family-owned business, Bailey Properties, Inc.
In this blog I want to discuss why we have so many off MLS listings. We always consider a listing as a special acknowledgment of trust and confidence that the owner is giving us to handle for him one of his most cherished investments. Selling anything that has been in the family or holds emotional feelings is hard to let go of. With off MLS or exclusive listings the owner and us have much better control of the listing and the access to showings and questions. When we get the listing we spend alot of time studying the listing and learning everything we can not only about the property but also the owner and his feelings and wishes. This is so important for many reasons. They want their property sold but not without their involvement and input. The owner only wants us to show the property and to be responsible for what happens during the showings. We have developed trust and honesty in the relationship. Many people do not trust or understand the conventional real estate formula and they do not want random people showing up and they question how anyone can show this large piece of ground and do it any justice with no preparation or knowledge. Selling anything takes homework and preparation! We work for our clients and do as they say. This is how we get so many great listings and many of them 1000+ acreages. We appreciate all the great referrals. Yes we do offer MLS if our clients wish. It is an easier way to sell but we are not into easy. Thank you!
a successful land-owner and manager of thousands of acres of Missouri and Mid-American farmland and ranchland